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The world, as we know today, is in a state of constant evolution. The more knowledge we amass, the more we advance. With our blog articles, we aim to create awareness and make resources available and accessible to all through curated ideas, thoughts, best tips, and latest trends in real estate.

8 Personal Finance Rules that’ll help you in buying a house
By Ashutosh Gaonkar / June 29, 2022

8 Personal Finance Rules that’ll help you in buying a house

In this article, we’ll take you through some widespread personal finance rules for you to follow in order to grow your money. If used correctly, these rules will drastically improve your financial health. It will eventually help you buy that house you’ve been longing for.

A 6-step Guide to Choose a Neighborhood You’ll Love
By Ashutosh Gaonkar / June 22, 2022

A 6-step Guide to Choose a Neighborhood You’ll Love

Of all the things that you can’t change about your home, your neighborhood or locality, and community definitely tops the list. After all, it’s an uphill task to make changes to and renovate a house, let alone a neighborhood.In short, location matters. Ensure that…

7 Effective Ways to Save for Down Payment
By Ashutosh Gaonkar / June 15, 2022

7 Effective Ways to Save for Down Payment

If you’re ready to transition from being a tenant to an owner, you’ll most likely need to save for down payment. We’ll share some effective ways to save on a down payment. When you are out in the market to buy a home, finances…

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